choice可数吗 和option有什么区别


choice'是可数名词‌。当表示选择或选择的机会时,'choice'可以是单数或复数形式。例如,“I have two choices”表示有两个选择,而“There are many choices”表示有很多选择。此外,'choice'还可以用作形容词,表示“精选的”或“优质的”。

Choice 是可数名词吗



当 "choice" 表示 "选择某项事物" 的行为时,它是可数名词。例如:

I have a difficult choice to make. (我有一个艰难的选择要做。)

She made the wrong choice. (她做出了错误的选择。)

There are many choices available. (有很多可供选择的选项。)在这种情况下,"choice" 侧重于选择的过程和结果,表示选定的具体事物。


当 "choice" 表示 "选择的机会" 或 "选择的能力" 时,它是不可数名词。例如:

I don't have much choice in the matter. (在这件事上我没有太多选择。)

It's a matter of personal choice. (这取决于个人选择。)

Freedom of choice is important. (选择自由很重要。)在这种情况下,"choice" 侧重于选择本身的概念,而不是选定的具体事物。


1. option (on sth) (commerce 商) right to buy or sell sth at a certain price within a certain time (按其价格在规定期限内买或卖某物的)选择权:

an option on a package holiday 包价旅游选择权

have an option on a piece of land 有买卖一地皮的选择权

We have a 12-day option on the house. 我们是否购买那所房子有12天的选择权.


2. 相关的习语

1) option

keep/leave one's options open: avoid making a decision now, so that one still has a choice later 暂不作决定; 留有选择余地:

Don't take the job now keep your options open until you leave university. 先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权, 到离开这所大学再说.

在这里,不是keep/leave one's choices。


(1)out of/from choice willingly 愿意地

He helps her out of choice 他出于自愿帮助她。

(2)for choice宁可

I will take French for choice. 要选的话我就选法语。

(3)of one's choice 某人所选定的

First prize in the competition will be a meal at the restaurant of your choice. 获头奖者可自选饭店用一餐。

(4)be spoilt for choice 因供选择的事物过多而无从下手

3. option: one of the things that you can choose to do in a particular situation

He basically has two options: he can have the surgery, or he can give up playing football.


